Trouble Logging In to iSTEEP Database
Q: My login is not working.
A: There are two separate databases, and isteep Ensure you are trying to login to the correct website assigned for your district.
Q: I can't remember my login information to access the database.
A: We are happy to answer any questions you may have, however, to protect the security and integrity of your school's database, we cannot provide login information to users. Please contact your school/district administrator.
Online Scoring Assessments vs. Computerized Assessments
Q: What is the difference between assessments that use online scoring and computerized assessments?
A: Assessments that are conducted using online scoring require an assessor to sit one on one with a student. The assessment is scored by the assessor on the computer. Computerized assessments allow students to sit and take the test independently. Refer to coach cards on how to access each of the assessments.
Testing Windows
Q: What are the dates for the fall, winter, and spring testing windows?
A: Fall: July 1 - October 31
Winter: November 1 - March 1
Spring: March 2 - June 30
Q: How do I manually enter students into the iSTEEP database?
A: Go to Enter Students > Add/Change Names. Manually enter student ID, Student First Name, and Student Last name. Middle name is optional. To add additional information such as gender, ethnicity, special education status, and other fields, click on "Details" once the student has been entered into the system.
Q: How do I import rosters into the iSTEEP database?
A: Located within the downloadable file your district received at the beginning of the year is an "Importing Rosters Help Guide", which provides step by step instructions on how to import rosters into the database. Please email if you need additional information.