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Special Offer for ClassLink Users

Streamline Your MTSS Implementation

with ONE Simple Solution


Identify students in need


Pinpoint skill gaps


Individualized targeted lessons

Progress Monitoring

Track student improvement

Our Approach

Comprehensiveness ~ Effectiveness ~ User-Friendliness

The STEEP process was founded in 2004 by educational scientists to take scientifically proven education strategies and put them into practical application.  More specifically, we pioneered the integration of benchmarking and online progress monitoring into an integrated process to enhance student performance.  Our research outcomes earned us early recognition, leading to a citation in the Congressional Record as demonstrating large-scale efficacy for the RTI process.  This recognition contributed to federal backing for what has evolved into the MTSS framework.  We have since collaborated with various state education departments to implement MTSS on a statewide scale.  Our approach focuses on:

  • Enhanced Student Performance: iSTEEP aims to boost student achievement, aligning with our core mission - Integrated System to Enhance Educational Performance (ISTEEP). 
  • Research-Driven: Founded on rigorous research to deliver effective educational strategies to schools.
  • Essential School Needs: Our platform is tailored for: Comprehensiveness, Effectiveness, and User-Friendliness.


  • Simplicity Meets Comprehensiveness: By combining all necessary tools into a single, cohesive solution, there's no longer a need to juggle separate systems for reading and math screening, diagnostics, interventions, or data management.  Enhanced functionality allows for precise support, enabling you to assist a broader range of students effectively. 
  • One Platform.  With iSTEEP, educators have a one-stop platform that simplifies data collection, decision-making, and reporting, without the hassle of using multiple services or managing data transfers between them. 

Early Literacy

CVC Sounds

Deleting Initial Sounds
Initial Sound Fluency
Letter Naming
Letter Sounds
Letter Sounds and Blends
Nonsense Word Fluency - CLS
Nonsense Word Fluency - WWR
Onset Rime
Rapid Letter Naming
Rapid Object Naming
Sight Words
Vowel Teams and Diphthongs
Word Identification


Oral Reading Fluency
Reading Maze
Smart Cloze
Advanced Vocabulary
Advanced Inferencing
Advanced Literacy

Early Numeracy

Number Naming
Compare Numbers to 10
Compare Numbers to 100
Count to 30


Sums to 10
Sub to 10
Sums to 20
Sub to 20
Sums to 100, no regrouping
Sub to 100, no regrouping
Sums to 100, w/regrouping
Sub to 100, w/regrouping
Multiplication to 100
Division Facts to 100
Multiplication and Division Facts to 100
Multiply 2 x 2 Digits
Division Multidigit
Add/Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
Add/Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators
Multiply/Divide Fractions
Decimal Operations
Signed Integers
Foundational Math Concepts
Math Reasoning and Applications
Advanced Numeracy


Integrated with the Science of Reading: In a national review of screening assessments from 20 publishers by NCII, iSTEEP was the only publisher with assessments targeting all or the SOR required skills:  Phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension and vocabulary.  We feature CBM assessment, the gold standard for SOR.  

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At the heart of iSTEEP is effectiveness. Our tools and strategies are grounded in evidence-based research, ensuring that they work in real educational settings.


The iSTEEP Platform WORKS!  iSTEEP is unique in that we not only have data on reliability and validity of assessments but we also have the published and award winning peer reviewed data showing the program tools, decision rules and framework produce good outcomes for students.


Our system is easy to use because even the most effective strategies are rendered useless if they aren't utilized correctly.  Bringing everything together in a single platform requires that you learn, use and support ONE simple solution.  

Dyslexia Screening

iSTEEP is approved by multiple states for required Dyslexia Screening.  Multiple measures are available to address required skill areas and most are timed for just 1-minute!


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